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美国休斯顿大学Spring/Fall PhD & Postdoc Openings

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   美国休斯顿大学 2022 Spring/Fall PhD & Postdoc Openings   

2021 Spring/Fall PhD & Postdoc Openings

Soft Wearable Electronics group at University of Houston (Houston, USA) currently has multiple PhD and Post-doc openings. Research focus in the lab includes: soft wearable electronics and systems; biomedical instruments and devices; nano materials and electronics. Website: http://yu.me.uh.edu/

Background: Nano Materials and Devices, Organic Electronics, Micro/Nano Fabrication, Solid State Electronics, MEMS, Polymers, Energy Harvesting and Storage, and/or related disciplines.

If you are interested, please directly contact: cyu15@uh.edu, with your CV, copies of all the transcripts, representative publications, and contact information of 3 references.

p.s. PhD applicants with master degrees are preferred. However, bachelor applicants with outstanding records will also be considered. The specific graduate program and future degree could be in Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering, all up to the applicant.
